Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Gary Snyder "The Maverick Bar"


This poem is very intriguing because it seems to bare a cultural clash amongst two different cultures. The reason why I made this statement is because the poet mentions the local bar band that’s emphasizing on “America” way of living by singing a song called “we don’t smoke marijuana in muskokie”.  This title raised my concern for acceptance simply because a “Muskokie” to my knowledge is the border of eastern Oklahoma and Arkansas, which leads me to believe that their lifestyle is abnormal to people in the Maverick Bar.  What I’d also like to point out is the way the poet ends this poem, he says “We left—onto the freeway…In the shadow of bluffs…To the real work, to what is to be done”, my interpretation to this statement is that the poet believes that his way of living is much more accepting.  Maybe my conclusion is too general or maybe the case may not be so, any suggestions? Or comments?

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